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  • You guys look familiar, where do I know you from?
    We are the owners and operators of Double J Training and Sales, and that's why our sites are linked to one another. Over the years we've met and helped so many wonderful horses and riders; we were asked almost on a regular basis if we had solid trail horses for sale. During this time, our own herd grew, as so often happens when you own horses. We did some research, found some business models and decided this was something we were meant to do. All of the horses for sale on this website are our personal horses, owned and trained by us.
  • What do you look for in your horses?
    In a nut shell, we look for horses that have the "it" factor to make the best trail horse. 1- They have to seek human contact. 2- They have to be curious. 3- They have to be sound of mind and body 4- They have to be kind, forgiving and honest. 5- They have to have confidence and willingness We can not say this enough, no matter your discipline, we all want the same qualities in our horses. This includes good manageable energy, adaptability, submissiveness, seeking human contact and self reliance, as well as low levels of fearfulness and low aggression. That is what we look for when choosing our prospects.
  • Do most of your customers come to Alberta and try the horses?
    No, only about 50% of our customers actually fly or drive in to try our horses before they buy them. Although we love it when customers come in, we have references all over the country that we are more than happy to let you talk to. We encourage customers who are close, or can, to come try the horses. Although we are very good at matching people with the right horses, it can help us to see and evaluate the rider’s skill level too.
  • What type of training do your horses have?
    All our horses are used on our ranch. From checking the cows and fences to crossing body of water and thick bushes. They are exposed to things like gunfire, bull whips, tarps, inflatable tube men as well as obstacles. We use these tools to help the horse have better control over their anxiety, as well as their natural instinct to flee. Of course if there are specific things you plan on doing with the horse, we will be happy to work on those while it’s waiting to ship. If there are specific things you would like to see video of that we haven’t already shown, just let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
  • How long do you typically have a horse at your ranch?
    Each horse is unique and has different needs. Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? With horse training, people often want to see results and they want to see them fast. But good horse training is like the tortoise, slow and steady will pay off in the end. So, how long does it take to train a horse? It depends on the horse. We dont have an answer to this question until we are there. Each horse is its own individual person.
  • What does the term Bombproof mean?
    Originally, this title was given to a horse when it no longer cared about the sound of cannon fire. Nowadays the simple answer is any horse that is unlikely to become upset and spook at any strange sights or noises. A horse's natural reaction to things that scare it is to fight, freeze or flee. Most horses will try to flee, and a spook is the beginning of the flee reaction. Our horses have the skills and experience to make them bombproof, but remember no one can train the horse out of the horse.
  • Will I or my kids be able to ride the horses like you?
    Everyone must understand that we can’t guarantee every horse will ride the same for every person. We have video to show what the horse is capable of. They are living breathing animals with minds of their own. There is also horse and rider dynamics to take into consideration. Not every rider level and confidence is the same. All horses need to be handled properly and consistently. There will be an adjustment and learning period for both you and your horse. We are always available to give advice and help you work through any questions or problems that might arise. Owning horses is really more of a lifestyle than a hobby, and it requires commitment and dedication.
  • I don't have much experience on a horse, will I be safe?
    We are not afraid to claim that our horses are amongst the top mentally balanced and safe to ride. They are chosen carefully and trained to be the best at being a trail horse. They still are animals and just like dogs they have a mind of their own. Horse ownership involves a lot of responsibility on the part of the owner. There is no replacment for education. No matter how safe our BMW is, there is still a need for proper driver education. For example, not knowing how to properly lead a horse could result in getting a foot stepped on, or cantering without developing good balance first, could result in a fall. Riding when overweight and out of shape could also be detrimental to an enjoyable experience. Any horse is capable of hurting someone, by owning and riding horses, you should know that you are assuming some risks. We are not guaranteeing that you won’t get hurt on one of our horses anymore than the pedal bike store can on their bikes. You MUST do your part to educate yourself and be a responsible horse owner and rider too. Anyone claiming otherwise is not being honest. The only claim we can make is that our horses have been prepared and proven to be as safe as they can be for you and your familly to enjoy.
  • I've seen horses that are cheaper, why are yours more expensive?
    Let's assume you are looking at getting a beautiful pine tree. A sapling goes for one dollar while a giant fully mature one will go for tens of thousands. Our horses are fully mature pine trees. They are ready to go to work with all the training to assist you and your loved one to be as safe on the trail as possible. They are champions of their discipline. As this goes, our horses are very cheap. It is very easy to purchase show or performance horses worth a lot more. More than likely that same horse could not cross a river or let the dogs run between its legs. Also, it’s really easy to make a horse appear more trained than it actually is in pictures. Not that a good horse can’t be found at a sales barn, but even someone with the best eye and a lot of experience can be fooled. Most of our customers just aren’t willing to the take the chance for themselves and their families safety. We have several horses every year that for various reasons we don’t feel will ever be suitable for our customers, we have connections with many people here in Alberta and are always able to find a suitable home for them.
  • Once I've decided on a horse that I want, what is the process?
    Once you’ve decided on a horse or pony, we have a Sale Agreement that we will email to you to sign and return. We prefer and most of our customers send a bank wire for payment. It’s just as easy and secure as a check, but it speeds the process along and allows us to get shipping scheduled faster rather than waiting on an out-of-state check to clear. Once we’ve received the payment, we will email you a sales receipt.
  • Once I bought my horse, how long before it gets home?
    A general rule of thumb, we ask for two weeks. Many times we can get the horse to you in a week depending on where you live, but we’ve found that it’s much better not to raise expectations and have someone disappointed. We contract with professional transports, most of the companies we have worked with many times in the past. Prior to shipping we have a normal process to get your horse ready to ship. We have to get a live stock manifest, potentially we have to obtain a health certificate from our vet, which can take a few days, before the horse can leave. During this time we prepare your horse for shipping with Probios and electrolytes, it’s also moved to a private paddock or stall, and will be groomed before leaving. We take pictures of all of the horses before they leave and once they are on the truck you will be notified and provided with the drivers contact information.
  • Why should I purchase a horse from you?
    We ask that you do your homework. Please look at other websites selling trail horses. Compare what they have to say on their website. Visit local barns and learn as much as you can. Call and chat with us. You should never buy a horse from someone you don't fully trust. Just DON'T. We believe it is our job to gain your trust and yours to do some homework. As such we have videos and pictures, as well as testimonials from past (and repeat) customers. We are dedicated and passionate horse people. We trail ride competitively as well as recreationally. We spend our holidays in the back country with our pack and riding horses. We live and breath anything that has to do with horses. We are constantly upgrading our knowledge by reading, watching and attending clinics. Honesty, honesty and more honesty. The horse business is a tough one, and you better be honest or you won't have a good reputation. As a breeder, trainer or seller, you can't succeed if you're just focused on getting a quick buck. We want to match the horse to the person, as well as matching the horse to its new job, before we agree to sell one of our horses. On a few occasions we have been known to tell prospective buyers that 'this is not the horse for you'. We have referred customers to other farms and breeders if we think they will have something more appropriate. We are not horse dealers, we are horse lovers. Through time and training, we have each developed close bonds to the horses we have for sale on our website.
  • My horse is home, now what?
    Buying a new horse and bringing it home is very exciting, even for experienced horse owners. It’s an exciting time for the horse too. It can be very similar to your first day of school! Remember to be patient and forgiving, they will have been uprooted from familiar surroundings and separated from pasture mates. The feed may change slightly and things like shelters, stalls, and fences will be in different places. There are new people, companions, and schedules to learn about. All the changes may make your horse a bit nervous. Some will become very unsettled and take a bit of time to adjust, while others will feel comfortable quickly. Just remember that your new horse is a living breathing creature with unique emotions and personality. Before your horse arrives, you’ll want to be sure that your horse’s new home is safe and comfortable. Inspect fences, stall walls, gates, doors, and the ground for any hazards on which your new horse may hurt itself. Be sure all fences are sturdy and in good repair. A nervous horse can jump over a stall door, try to barge through a fence or climb a gate. When you put them in a new place, suddenly and without warning, expect them to act differently than they did in their previous home. It is not that they have forgotten their training or are trying to cause you worry, it is just their self preservation they have in mind – they are trying to readjust and re-configure their entire system to being in a completely different situation from the one they are used to. Make things as safe as possible. Most horses settle down after a period of transition. Moving to a new home is very stressful for a horse. Some horses take it in stride, others are more tentative. If there are other horses, you’ll want to have a spot where your horse can see them from a distance, but not mingle right away. Different people have different approaches to introducing a new horse to a herd. It will take time for your new horse to get used to its new home, and it may take a while before your horse finds its place in the herd pecking order. Expect some nervous moments before everyone settles down. There are many things we can do to assist your new horse to settle in in a safe and timely manner. Always turn out your new horse in a safe place so he/she can blow off some steam if they wish. It also gives them an excellent opportunity to survey their new surroundings, see what is going on, and adjust to it. You should always give the horse at least a day or two before attempting to ride him/her. Please use this waiting period to get to know your new horse, catching and grooming your new friend is an excellent way to to get to know each other and set boundaries. Grooming is a nice, slow, safe activity that the horse is used to and enjoys, and will help him/her to realize that you are a kind and caring person. ​ When the initial cool off period is over and If you’re feeling confident, and your horse seems to be feeling comfortable, you’ll probably want to ride your new horse. Just be considerate of the new environment your horse is facing and that can affect its behavior. Be firm, but easy to please, one step at a time. The horse will want to look around, and perhaps even smell things. This is natural curious behavior. Just remember that slow is fast and first impression only happens once. Your first ride should be short and slow. Ensure your tack fit him/her well. Warm up your horse and ride him in a place where they will be safe. You will have plenty of time to challenge each others in the near future. Getting to know each others is primordial. Trust always has to be earned and this holds true for you as much as for your new horse. If your horse is losing or gaining weight, is getting beat up by other herd mates or is showing other signs of stress it’s time to make some adjustments. It can take weeks before your horse is fully habituated into its new home, depending on how different it is. The first year is a learning experience for you both as you spend all seasons and different situations together. Real bonding between a horse and owner takes time as does your horse’s adjustment to its new home. Water is also a real concern. Horses are often fussy about drinking unfamiliar water, but they usually won’t go to the point of becoming dehydrated (which can result in impaction colic). Help your new horse settle in by ensuring he always has access to a source of fresh and clean water, and monitor signs of dehydration just in case. ​ Take your time, be patient and your horse will forever be grateful. Treat him as a guest in your home. This will only reinforce that he/she is safe with you. Horses will be horses and in time the herd will become stable again. ​ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help.
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