Paso Fino
5 years old
13.2 hands
Priority is a five year old Paso Fino (not registered) with really cool gaits. She came to the ranch last spring and was started under saddle as a four-year-old. During the winter she did a few trail rides and then started up again in the spring of 2022. She is not a beginner's horse. Priority is spunky and full of spirit. She is sensitive and smart too. She will cross any obstacle placed in her path. She is used to dogs and really seems to like working with obstacles. On the trail she settles in well and will ride in the front or the back. She can be impatient when asked to stop, those feet are fancy and they like to move! Priority doesn't have a mean bone in her body, she just requires a knowledgeable, patient hand. I think she has the potential to be a really cool endurance or competitive trail mount, she has oodles of stamina and heart. She is also very sure footed and would make an excellent mountain horse or obstacle partner.
Please call or email us directly if you'd like to come out and meet Priority for yourself.